New England Open Championships

October 17, 1997

Franklin Park, Boston, MA

85th Annual New England Intercollegiate Cross Country Championships

Men's 8k

Team   Team                                                Individual
Place  Points  Team Name                                   Point Scores

    1     55   Brown University                            5    7    8   12   23   24   28  
    2     90   Dartmouth                                  10   13   14   18   35   58   68  
    3    118   Boston College                             17   20   25   26   30   39   52  
    4    134   Providence                                  6    9   31   37   51  104  
    5    189   University of Connecticut                   2   22   44   56   65  111  146  
    6    205   Boston University                           1    4   33   77   90   94  231  
    7    259   University of New Hampshire                21   41   59   67   71  147  162  
    8    269   Brandeis                                   11   15   66   69  108  154  185  
    9    271   Harvard                                    32   50   53   62   74   78  131  
   10    274   Williams                                   27   38   42   75   92   98  101  
   11    317   Tufts                                      19   49   63   76  110  112  169  
   12    388   Amherst                                     3   45   82  120  138  160  180
   13    402   Bates                                      16   60   73  114  139  141  149  
   14    409   MIT                                        34   36   91  121  127  137  161  
   15    453   UMass Amherst                              43   57   64  130  159  165  191  
   16    463   Bowdon                                     81   83   84   99  116  153  163  
   17    467   Keene                                      29   80  107  119  132  144  164  
   18    483   UVM                                        40   97  113  115  118  175  193  
   19    519   Maine                                      61  102  105  125  126  142  156  
   20    544   Northeastern                               54  103  106  133  148  158  190  
   21    551   Holy Cross                                 46   72   85  172  176  179  
   22    647   Bentley                                    86   88  123  173  177  194  196  
   23    654   UMass Lowell                               55  122  134  155  188  211  
   24    685   University of Rhode Island                 93  100  143  157  192  
   25    724   CCSU                                       96  117  166  171  174  183  218  
   26    734   Bridgewater                                47  128  170  184  205  221  
   27    756   Wesleyan                                   70   95  189  200  202  210  220  
   28    798   SCSU                                       79  129  182  186  222  223  232  
   29    805   Colby                                      89  135  181  199  201  
   30    832   Ct. College                                87  145  195  197  208  225  227  
   31    846   Springfield                               109  140  168  214  215  226  229  
   32    870   Middlebury                                124  152  187  203  204  213  216  
   33    901   Merrimack                                 151  167  178  198  207  234  236  
   34    925   Sacred Heart                              136  150  206  209  224  228  235  
   35    967   Quinnipiac                                 48  217  219  241  242  243  
   36   1150   Hartford                                  212  230  233  237  238  239  240  

Individual Results


   Place  Points   Time  Bib   Finishers Name             School
      1       1   23:38  143  Karl        Rasmussen       Boston University                       
      2       2   23:44  501  Travis      Landreth        University of Connecticut               
      3       3   24:05   10  Robert      Mitchell        Amherst                                 
      4       4   24:09  146  Matt        Smith           Boston University                       
      5       5   24:10  132  Jamey       Vetelino        Brown University                        
      6       6   24:11  400  Zack        Ventress        Providence                              
      7       7   24:13  126  Brendan     Prindiville     Brown University                        
      8       8   24:19  134  Keith       Woodman         Brown University                        
      9       9   24:21  391  Keith       Kelly           Providence                              
     10      10   24:27  204  Ryan        Padilla         Dartmouth                               
     11      11   24:28  100  Samson      Yohannes        Brandeis                                
     12      12   24:28  123  David       McKie           Brown University                        
     13      13   24:30  195  Don         Conrad          Dartmouth                               
     14      14   24:31  206  Parker      Pruett          Dartmouth                               
     15      15   24:32   99  Robert      Olson           Brandeis                                
     16      16   24:33   24  Justin      Freeman         Bates                                   
     17      17   24:34   40  Justin      Burdon          Boston College                          
     18      18   24:36  209  Aaron       Schumacher      Dartmouth                               
     19      19   24:38  469  Rodney      Hemingway       Tufts                                   
     20      20   24:40   38  Marshal     Armitage        Boston College                          
     21      21   24:42  542  Kevin       Horgan          University of New Hampshire             
     22      22   24:43  505  Dan         Wilson          University of Connecticut               
     23      23   24:44  118  Neville     Davey           Brown University                        
     24           24:44  129  Derek       Schueren        Brown University                        
     25      25   24:46   58  Brian       Shafer          Boston College                          
     26      26   24:47   61  Derek       Smith           Boston College                          
     27      27   24:48  620  Dan         McCue           Williams                                
     28           24:50  131  Brock       Tessman         Brown University                        
     29      29   24:52  284  Matt        Koeyba          Keene                                   
     30      30   24:54   48  Derek       Holland         Boston College                          
     31      31   24:55  397  Larry       Morrissey       Providence                              
     32      32   24:56  255  Scott       Muolo           Harvard                                 
     33      33   24:58  140  Jason       Hunter          Boston University                       
     34      34   24:58  366  Chris       McGuire         MIT                                     
     35      35   24:59  211  Scott       Warden          Dartmouth                               
     36      36   25:00  368  Mike        Parkins         MIT                                     
     37      37   25:00  384  Rick        Bush            Providence                              
     38      38   25:00  616  Geoff       Hutchison       Williams                                
     39           25:01   52  Christopher Merill          Boston College                          
     40      40   25:02  566  Thorodd     Bakken          UVM                                     
     41      41   25:02  548  Brett       Rickenbach      University of New Hampshire             
     42      42   25:02  601  Paul        Alsdorf         Williams                                
     43      43   25:04  509  Peter       Gleason         UMass Amherst                           
     44      44   25:06  494  Eric        Brousseau       University of Connecticut               
     45      45   25:07    2  Daniel      Chandler        Amherst                                 
     46      46   25:08  262  William     Benedict        Holy Cross                              
     47      47   25:08  114  Solomon     Tsegal          Bridgewater                             
     48      48   25:09  406  Roland      Lavallee        Quinnipiac                              
     49      49   25:10  462  Jason       Burke           Tufts                                   
     50      50   25:13  253  David       Martin          Harvard                                 
     51      51   25:16  395  Paul        McNamara        Providence                              
     52           25:16   36  Paul        Abbruzzese      Boston College                          
     53      53   25:17  248  Joseph      Johnson         Harvard                                 
     54      54   25:18  379  Nate        Thompson        Northeastern                            
     55      55   25:19  529  Bradford    Klinedinst      UMass Lowell                            
     56      56   25:20  493  Daniel      Bouchard        University of Connecticut               
     57      57   25:21  506  Ryan        Carrara         UMass Amherst                           
     58           25:23  199  Garrett     Jensen          Dartmouth                               
     59      59   25:25  540  Richard     Cooper          University of New Hampshire             
     60      60   25:26   35  Matt        Twiest          Bates                                   
     61      61   25:28  301  Steven      Hedlund         Maine                                   
     62      62   25:29  243  Colin       Edwards         Harvard                                 
     63           25:30  521  Gary        Mello           UMass Dartmouth                         
     64      63   25:30  475  Matthew     Lyons           Tufts                                   
     65      64   25:31  517  Kevin       Somers          UMass Amherst                           
     66      65   25:32  504  Karl        Smith           University of Connecticut               
     67      66   25:32   97  Brandon     Mogryzel        Brandeis                                
     68      67   25:32  550  Thomas      Shaw            University of New Hampshire             
     69           25:33  212  Regan       Mike            Dartmouth                               
     70      69   25:34   98  Rusty       Nelson          Brandeis                                
     71      70   25:34  587  Michael     Keating         Wesleyan                              
     72      71   25:35  538  Matthew     Barnard         University of New Hampshire             
     73      72   25:36  274  Steve       Turner          Holy Cross                              
     74      73   25:37   18  Michael     Danahy          Bates                                   
     75      74   25:38  241  Geoffrey    Deschenes       Harvard                                 
     76      75   25:38  604  Tim         Campbell        Williams                                
     77      76   25:39  470  Richard     Hemingway       Tufts                                   
     78      77   25:40  141  Brad        Marland         Boston University                       
     79           25:41  246  Cameron     Hatch           Harvard                                 
     80      79   25:42  433  Dustin      Blair           SCSU                                    
     81      80   25:43  291  Wilson      Perez           Keene                                   
     82      81   25:44   81  Peter       Duyan           Bowdon                                  
     83      82   25:44   12  Jonathon    Prokup          Amherst                                 
     84      83   25:45   84  Timothy     Kuhner          Bowdon                                  
     85      84   25:46   88  Michael     Peyron          Bowdon                                  
     86      85   25:46  265  Mark        Fretta          Holy Cross                              
     87      86   25:47   67  Matt        Holton          Bentley                                 
     88      87   25:48  189  Matt        Santo           Ct. College                             
     89      88   25:48   69  Steve       Lowe            Bentley                                 
     90      89   25:48  166  Wilson      Everhart        Colby                                   
     91      90   25:49  142  Kevin       Murphy          Boston University                       
     92      91   25:50  371  Mark        Strauss         MIT                                     
     93      92   25:50  627  Eric        Smith           Williams                                
     94      93   25:50  561  Mark        LaRosa          University of Rhode Island              
     95           25:50  144  Matt        Ruane           Boston University                       
     96      95   25:51  596  George      Peterson        Wesleyan                                
     97      96   25:52  158  Clint       Santoro         CCSU                                    
     98      97   25:54  582  Jason       Wimette         UVM                                     
     99           25:54  614  Reed        Harlow          Williams                                
    100      99   25:55   82  Matthew     Hyde            Bowdon                                  
    101     100   25:56  559  Michael     Koziara         University of Rhode Island              
    102           25:57  603  Brendan     Burns           Williams                                
    103     102   25:58  312  Dereck      Treadwell       Maine                                   
    104     103   25:58  375  Bing        Guerin          Northeastern                            
    105           25:59  399  John        O'Mara          Providence                              
    106     105   26:00  308  Michael     Rice            Maine                                   
    107     106   26:00  376  Wayne       McDermott       Northeastern                            
    108     107   26:01  281  Matt        Hjorth          Keene                                   
    109     108   26:02   95  Geoff       Getz            Brandeis                                
    110     109   26:03  451  Burress     McCombe         Springfield                             
    111     110   26:04  481  David       Patterson       Tufts                                   
    112           26:05  502  Adam        Metcalf         University of Connecticut               
    113           26:06  480  Geoffrey    North           Tufts                                   
    114     113   26:06  570  Benjamin    Copans          UVM                                     
    115     114   26:08   32  John        McGrath         Bates                                   
    116     115   26:13  575  Richard     Evans           UVM                                     
    117     116   26:14   77  Steve       Allison         Bowdon                                  
    118     117   26:14  156  Leo         Mayo            CCSU                                    
    119     118   26:14  577  Joseph      Gingras         UVM                                     
    120     119   26:14  283  Andrew      Knapp           Keene                                   
    121           26:14  137  Matt        Roloff          Bryant                                  
    122     120   26:15   11  Allen       Nunnally        Amherst                                 
    123     121   26:16  370  Rich        Rosalez         MIT                                     
    124     122   26:17  524  Burt        Courtemanche    UMass Lowell                            
    125     123   26:18   72  Mike        Merrill         Bentley                                 
    126     124   26:18  334  Eli         Enman           Middlebury                              
    127     125   26:19  307  Brian       Oickle          Maine                                   
    128     126   26:20  299  Christopher Gamache         Maine                                   
    129     127   26:21  364  Phil        Loiselle        MIT                                     
    130     128   26:22  108  Bryan       Doldt           Bridgewater                             
    131     129   26:22  442  Jeramie     Schumacher      SCSU                                    
    132     130   26:23  507  Brian       Chabot          UMass Amherst                           
    133           26:24  259  Brendan     Trombly         Harvard                                 
    134     132   26:26  292  Chris       Pagliuco        Keene                                   
    135     133   26:27  377  Michael     O'Rourke        Northeastern                            
    136     134   26:28  535  Steve       Mayol           UMass Lowell                            
    137     135   26:28  170  Sam         Harris          Colby                                   
    138     136   26:29  418  Richard     Janocko         Sacred Heart                            
    139           26:30  360  Sohall      Husain          MIT                                     
    140     138   26:30   13  Chris       Thunen          Amherst                                 
    141     139   26:30   28  Adam        Kessler         Bates                                   
    142     140   26:30  458  Ben         Taylor          Springfield                             
    143           26:31   21  Steve       Dutton          Bates                                   
    144           26:32  302  Patrick     Larkin          Maine                                   
    145     143   26:32  563  Chris       Malynowski      University of Rhode Island              
    146           26:32  277  Corey       Coll            Keene                                   
    147     145   26:32  176  Ryan        Bull            Ct. College                             
    148           26:32  496  Mike        Croft           University of Connecticut               
    149           26:33  545  Doug        Lunderville     University of New Hampshire             
    150     148   26:34  380  Dan         Townsend        Northeastern                            
    151           26:34   26  Brendan     Hahesy          Bates                                   
    152     150   26:36  413  Christopher Eaton           Sacred Heart                            
    153     151   26:36  315  Angelo      Santito         Merrimack                               
    154     152   26:37  336  Chad        Giese           Middlebury                              
    155           26:38   86  William     Nadeau          Bowdon                                  
    156           26:42   96  Zach        Horvet          Brandeis                                
    157     155   26:43  534  Mike        Maher           UMass Lowell                            
    158           26:44  297  Michael     Collins         Maine                                   
    159     157   26:47  560  Jeffrey     Kurjiaka        University of Rhode Island              
    160           26:48  381  Ray         Youngs          Northeastern                            
    161     159   26:49  519  Brendan     Sullivan        UMass Amherst                           
    162           26:51    9  Mike        Lovenheim       Amherst                                 
    163           26:52  361  Frank       Johnston        MIT                                     
    164           26:54  551  Ben         Strain          University of New Hampshire             
    165           26:55   85  Michael     Mouradian       Bowdon                                  
    166           26:56  136  Shawn       Nassaney        Bryant                                  
    167           26:58  282  Scott       Jensen          Keene                                   
    168           26:59  514  Sean        Murphy          UMass Amherst                           
    169     166   27:00  148  Israel      Caro III        CCSU                                    
    170     167   27:02  317  Jim         Lencki          Merrimack                               
    171     168   27:04  456  John        Shea            Springfield                             
    172           27:05  472  Stephen     Kaye            Tufts                                   
    173     170   27:06  111  Jason       Pappas          Bridgewater                             
    174     171   27:06  149  Chris       Cone            CCSU                                    
    175     172   27:08  634  Brian       McNamara        Holy Cross                              
    176     173   27:09   63  Coley       Carden          Bentley                                 
    177     174   27:10  155  Christian   Harrison        CCSU                                    
    178           27:12  576  Todd        Frehsee         UVM                                     
    179     176   27:14  261  Jared       Belliveau       Holy Cross                              
    180     177   27:16   74  Rob         Perkins         Bentley                                 
    181     178   27:17  319  Matt        Desmond         Merrimack                               
    182           27:18  273  Paul        Sullivan        Holy Cross                              
    183           27:19    5  Erick       Hung            Amherst                                 
    184     181   27:20  168  Brendan     Gavin           Colby                                   
    185     182   27:21  435  Bill        Ferrare         SCSU                                    
    186           27:23  154  Walter      Hansen          CCSU                                    
    187     184   27:24  113  Arthur      Silva           Bridgewater                             
    188           27:25  105  Imanuel     Wineman         Brandeis                                
    189     186   27:26  444  Gary        Stevens         SCSU                                    
    190     187   27:27  335  Josh        Fisher          Middlebury                              
    191     188   27:29  522  Kevin       Andriolo        UMass Lowell                            
    192     189   27:31  599  Michael     Van Numwegen    Wesleyan                                
    193           27:33  382  Scott       Wisnaskas       Northeastern                            
    194           27:35  508  Matt        Ely             UMass Amherst                           
    195     192   27:36  554  Randy       Anderson        University of Rhode Island              
    196           27:37  572  Eric        Doane           UVM                                     
    197           27:38   66  Jason       Hobbs           Bentley                                 
    198     195   27:39  182  Aaron       Kleinman        Ct. College                             
    199           27:42   70  Adam        Manoli          Bentley                                 
    200     197   27:44  187  Mike        Pfapf           Ct. College                             
    201     198   27:44  316  Mike        Gray            Merrimack                               
    202     199   27:45  165  Tom         Dulong          Colby                                   
    203     200   27:46  595  Anders      Peterson        Wesleyan                                
    204     201   27:47  173  Rory        Maher           Colby                                   
    205     202   27:48  586  Michael     Fox-Boyd        Wesleyan                                
    206     203   27:49  332  Chuck       Donnellan       Middlebury                              
    207     204   27:51  331  Rusty       Dolleman        Middlebury                              
    208     205   27:53  107  Mark        D'Amico         Bridgewater                             
    209     206   27:57  430  Brian       Williams        Sacred Heart                            
    210     207   27:58  322  Rob         Dubay           Merrimack                               
    211     208   27:58  183  Ben         Link            Ct. College                             
    212     209   27:58  419  Greg        Kyratschenko    Sacred Heart                            
    213           27:59  597  John        Raby            Wesleyan                                
    214           28:00  526  James       Johnson         UMass Lowell                            
    215     212   28:00  232  Jonathan    Rivera          Hartford                                
    216           28:00  327  Eric        Barr            Middlebury                              
    217           28:01  135  Erick       Narcisi         Bryant                                  
    218     214   28:05  446  Kyle        Fredericks      Springfield                             
    219     215   28:06  459  Brian       Walsh           Springfield                             
    220           28:08  330  Michael     Cooley          Middlebury                              
    221     217   28:12  409  Geoff       Moulton         Quinnipiac                              
    222           28:12  147  Ben         Blake           CCSU                                    
    223     219   28:13  407  Henry       Ridder          Quinnipiac                              
    224           28:14  583  Nathaniel   Browand         Wesleyan                                
    225           28:22  109  Marc        Mangiacotti     Bridgewater                             
    226     222   28:24  437  John        Howard          SCSU                                    
    227           28:27  432  Andre       Barnes          SCSU                                    
    228     224   28:30  431  Brian       Young           Sacred Heart                            
    229           28:33  175  Ben         Brewer          Ct. College                             
    230           28:36  450  Doug        Latham          Springfield                             
    231           28:39  178  Jonah       Davis           Ct. College                             
    232           28:47  416  Daniel      Gallardo        Sacred Heart                            
    233           28:51  447  Doug        Gowen           Springfield                             
    234           28:55  214  Derek       Dellanski       Fitchburg                               
    235     230   29:02  231  Ryan        Riegle          Hartford                                
    236           29:09  138  Mike        Arbuthnot       Boston University                       
    237           29:18  439  Luis        Montillas       SCSU                                    
    238     233   29:26  235  Dan         Thielman        Hartford                                
    239           29:33  318  Jim         Coyle           Merrimack                               
    240           29:48  422  Thomas      McCabe          Sacred Heart                            
    241           30:21  314  Stephen     O'Neill         Merrimack                               
    242     237   30:48  228  Ray         Cooke           Hartford                                
    243     238   30:49  226  Herb        Boge            Hartford                                
    244           30:59  219  Jake        Lange           Fitchburg                               
    245           31:18  230  Andreas     Ninies          Hartford                                
    246           31:28  234  Jeff        Sylvan          Hartford                                
    247     241   31:30  408  Jeff        Cirillo         Quinnipiac                              
    248     242   31:34  410  Whitney     Lucas           Quinnipiac                              
    249           32:29  404  Stafford    Brown           Quinnipiac                              
    250           32:55  220  Alvin       Lewis           Fitchburg                               
    251           33:03  223  Tim         Pellitier       Fitchburg      

These results originally posted at the Coolrunning running page.